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Plans & Pricing
We offer flexible pricing models. No long term contracts.
Upgrade, downgrade or cancel at any time.
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[row col_style=”solid” padding=”16px 0px 0px 0px” depth=”2″]
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[ux_price_table title=”Fix it” price=”$50 / month”]
[bullet_item text=”2 Hours of Updates Per Month”]
[bullet_item text=”Fix Broken Links and Errors”]
[bullet_item text=”Update & Manage Plugins, Extensions & Framework”]
[bullet_item text=”5 Day Turnaround”]
[bullet_item text=”Email Consulting”]
[bullet_item text=”Website Reporting” tooltip=”In addition to the updates and fixes we will provide you with a valuable information report on your websites Google rankings for up to 50 keywords. This includes a report on the key performance indicators: Bounce rate, page sessions, where the website traffic is coming from, and how long visitors are staying on the website”]
[button text=”Get Started!” link=”/fix-it-package”]
[col span=”4″ span__sm=”6″]
[ux_price_table title=”Tune Up” price=”$100 / month” featured=”true”]
[bullet_item text=”4 Hours of Updates Per Month”]
[bullet_item text=”Fix broken links and errors”]
[bullet_item text=”Update & Manage Plugins, Extensions & Framework”]
[bullet_item text=”3-4 Day Turnaround”]
[bullet_item text=”Email Consultating”]
[bullet_item text=”Website Reporting” tooltip=”In addition to the updates and fixes we will provide you with a valuable information report on your websites Google rankings for up to 50 keywords. This includes a report on the key performance indicators: Bounce rate, page sessions, where the website traffic is coming from, and how long visitors are staying on the website”]
[button text=”Get Started!” link=”/tune-up-package”]
[col span=”4″ span__sm=”6″]
[ux_price_table title=”Turbo” price=”$150 / month”]
[bullet_item text=”6 Hours of Updates Per Month”]
[bullet_item text=”Fix broken links and errors”]
[bullet_item text=”Update & Manage Plugins, Extensions & Framework”]
[bullet_item text=”3-4 Day Turnaround”]
[bullet_item text=”Email Consulting”]
[bullet_item text=”Website Reporting” tooltip=”In addition to the updates and fixes we will provide you with a valuable information report on your websites Google rankings for up to 50 keywords. This includes a report on the key performance indicators: Bounce rate, page sessions, where the website traffic is coming from, and how long visitors are staying on the website”]
[button text=”Get Started!” link=”/turbo-package”]
What’s Included
All of our plans include services designed to meet the individual needs of your business.
We also offer professional services to our clients for custom web design and software development.
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[col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″ text_depth=”2″]
- Adding, updating or deleting any text on your website
- Adding, updating, resizing, cropping or deleting pictures on your website (provided by you)
- Adding, updating or deleting videos on your website (provided by you)
Adding, updating or deleting links on your website
Adding, updating or deleting any files or documents on your website (provided by you)
Creating new pages or blog posts (content provided by you)
[col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″ text_depth=”2″]
- Designrecommendations
- Modifying existing layouts
- Modifications to your logo
- Modifcations to headers or footers
- Management of social media, including creating new posts, images or replying to comments
- Creating new social media accounts, including Twitter, Facebook, and many others
Search Engine Optimization
- Local search submissions
- SEO recommendations
- Renaming pages or files for optimzation
- Modifications to keywords, page titles and other meta data
- Sitemap modifications or generation
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Check Out All We Have to Offer
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